Electroless Hard Coat S.A. (Elhco) obtiene la prestigiosa certificación NADCAP para ensayos no destructivos

In a significant achievement that reaffirms its commitment to excellence and quality, Electroless Hard Coat S.A. (Elhco), a leader in surface treatment and industrial coatings, has obtained the coveted NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) certification for non-destructive testing, specifically for the liquid penetrant inspection method.

This achievement is recognition of Elhco’s commitment to quality and excellence, ensuring that its processes meet the most rigorous standards set by the aerospace and defense industry. The NADCAP certification is an honor that is only awarded to companies demonstrating exceptional capability in critical processes and that pass a series of thorough and detailed audits.

What is NADCAP certification?

NADCAP certification is a global accreditation program designed to meet the requirements of the aerospace and defense industries. Developed by the Performance Review Institute (PRI), the program evaluates and accredits suppliers in specific areas of manufacturing and special processes, including heat treatments, coatings, non-destructive testing, and other critical processes.

Obtaining NADCAP certification is no simple task. It involves a series of rigorous and detailed audits that examine every aspect of the production process, ensuring that it meets the highest international quality standards. For Elhco, receiving this accreditation signifies global recognition of its ability to perform high-precision and reliable non-destructive testing.

Liquid Penetrant Testing: An Essential Inspection Method

Liquid penetrant testing is a non-destructive testing method used to detect discontinuities on the surface of non-porous materials, such as metals, plastics, ceramics, and glass. This method is particularly effective for identifying defects such as cracks, pores, and other surface imperfections that can compromise the structural integrity of the inspected components.

Process of Liquid Penetrant Testing

  • Surface Cleaning: The component to be inspected is thoroughly cleaned to remove any contaminants, such as oil, grease, dirt, or oxidation that might interfere with the liquid’s ability to penetrate.

  • Application of Penetrant: A high-capillarity penetrant liquid is applied to the surface of the material. This liquid is capable of penetrating into surface discontinuities due to its low viscosity.

  • Penetration Time: The penetrant is allowed to act for a specific period, enabling it to fully penetrate any surface defects present.

  • Removal of Excess Penetrant: Once the penetration time has elapsed, the excess liquid is removed from the surface, leaving only the penetrant that has entered the discontinuities.

  • Application of Developer: A developer is applied to the surface. It acts by drawing the penetrant out of the discontinuities and onto the surface, creating visible indications of the imperfections.

  • Visual inspection: The surface is visually inspected under appropriate lighting conditions, or ultraviolet light if a fluorescent penetrant is used, to identify and evaluate the indications of discontinuities.

The Impact of NADCAP Certification for Elhco

The achievement of NADCAP certification has a significant impact for Elhco, as it strengthens its position as a trusted supplier in the global market. This certification not only validates the quality of Elhco’s processes but also opens new opportunities for the company in the aerospace and defense industries, where quality and safety standards are extremely high.

Current and potential clients of Elhco can be assured that the company meets the most advanced technical requirements and the highest international standards, ensuring products and services that satisfy the most demanding needs. NADCAP certification is a guarantee that Elhco remains committed to innovation, continuous improvement, and excellence in all its processes.

Elhco continues to focus on providing high-quality solutions in surface treatment and industrial coatings, ensuring that every step in its processes meets the strictest requirements of its clients and international regulations. With NADCAP certification, Elhco is well-positioned to face future challenges and maintain its leadership in the industry.